Monday, October 24, 2016

Rangitaane Marae Visit - Wednesday 26th October

Tautoko Pod visits the Rangitaane Marae tomorrow.   We will be leaving school at 9am sharp, so please ensure you are at school in plenty of time for this.   We have had a wonderful response of parent helpers, and just reminding the parents who are coming along that you need to meet in Tautoko Pod by 8.45am, or if travelling by own car, you will need to be parked on Maxwell's Line and meet us at the front entrance to the Marae by 9.15am at the latest.   The bus will have us back to school by 1pm.

Children will need to ensure they have their school bag packed with some healthy food for brain-food, and a packed lunch.  A drink bottle and their hat will also be required, along with their school jersey/jacket.

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