ICT Information

From 2016 we have a compulsory Bring Your Own Device programme for Years 3-8.  We highly recommend the purchase of Apple iPads and iPad minis, especially in Years 3-6.  

If you choose to purchase a MacBook Pro or MacBook Air most applications come with the laptop.  It is important that you check the app store on the laptop to download free applications that come with a new device, particularly iMovie and Garage Band.   Other important applications for laptops are:
Google Chrome (for accessing their google drive & email accounts) & Comic Life (click to link).

Below you will find a list of the essential apps for iPads that are used at school for the Middle/Senior School (Years 3-8).  These are organised into those that cost, and those that are free.  You can directly access these at the iTunes Store by clicking on the icon accompanying each app.


School Logo 2015.png
ICT User Agreement

Students 2016

Name:  _____________________________________________ Year:  _____  Date:  ________________
  1. I agree to use my device and the school’s ICT equipment in the correct and responsible way.
  2. I agree to access the Internet only when my teacher is present.
  3. I agree not to produce or spread any harmful images or text.
  4. I agree not to post recordings, images or video of myself or other students without teacher permission.
  5. All emails will be constructive, informative or inquiring the interest of both the sender and receiver.
  6. I agree not to access or use other student’s or teacher’s google drive accounts, or other accounts set up for me for learning such as Mathletics or Study Ladder.
  7. I agree not to create other online accounts using my school google drive account.
  8. I agree not to deliberately access information from or post anything to the Internet which would bring Whakarongo School into disrepute.
  9. I will not in any way damage the ICT tools or interfere with the school’s ICT property.
  10. I will immediately inform my teacher if I come across any material that is inappropriate or makes me feel uncomfortable.
  11. I will not copy or install any software, programme or file on the school system.
  12. I will not use my device or school devices before/after school (while at school), morning tea or lunchtimes without permission and supervision of a teacher.
  13. Students are not allowed to use mobile phones during school hours.  It is however acceptable to keep a phone in your bag for use after school.   I agree not to use a mobile phone during school hours.
  14. I agree not to use personal email accounts, other online accounts or personal social media accounts while at school.
  15. I agree not to use my device for instant messaging, video chat or other similar applications while at school.
  16. I understand that if I don’t follow these guidelines I might lose the privilege to use the ICT tools and /or the school might take disciplinary action against me.
Student Signature:  _______________________________________________
I have read the guidelines and understand that my child’s device and the school’s ICT tools are for educational purposes and should be used in an appropriate way.
I undertake to discuss these guidelines and the importance of this issue with my child.
I also understand that the school cannot provide an absolute guarantee that no controversial material will be accessed, and will not hold Whakarongo School or any member of its staff liable if such material/information is downloaded.
I agree to support the Staff and help keep our students safe by reporting any misuse (or alleged misuse) immediately.    

Parent Signature:  ________________________________________________

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