Bullying-Free NZ Week

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What is Bullying?

Most widely-accepted definitions of bullying are based on four elements: bullying is deliberate, harmful, involves a power imbalance, and has an element of repetition.
Whether bullying is physical, verbal, emotional or online (cyberbullying), there are four widely-accepted factors that can be used to identify bullying.
  • Bullying is deliberate – one person intentionally causing physical and / or psychological harm to another.
  • Bullying involves a power imbalance – an actual (or perceived) unequal relationship (eg physical size, age, gender, social status or digital capability and access.
  • Bullying is usually not a one-off - it is repeated over time, with the threat of further incidents leading to fear and anxiety. People may bully one person many times, or different people each time.
  • Bullying is harmful – there is short or long-term physical or psychological harm to the target (eg, as a result of coercion or intimidation).

Preventing Bullying Together Commitment
Here are some of the Pic Collage Posters created and shared by some of the children in Tautoko Pod. The posters support message board statements the children wanted to make to express
  • I will prevent bullying by ...
  • I will support others by ...
  • I will show kindness by ...

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