Inquiry Topics

TERM 2 - WE ARE THE WORLD - Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

We have been using the thinkers keys to dig deeper into our Inquiry.
During one of our rotations, we looked at the 'Disadvantages Key" and "Prediction Key".
Questions posed for investigation included: "What are the disadvantages of plastic bags?: how do they affect our lives?, animals? etc. Why are plastic bags 'evil' (from a video clip).
Children predicted what would happen ...
- if we had no plastic
- if we refused to Reduce, Reuse and Recycle in New Zealand
- if we threw all our food scraps on the ground
- if no more rubbish would fit at the rubbish dump/tip
- if we dumped all our rubbish out at sea.

Some children investigated further with images to support their responses. See the pic collages created below. 

For our Inquiry this term, We Are The World, we are exploring Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and this will involve a range of activities and innovative thinking.  We have a visit from an Education Unit during Week 4 and 5 that will enhance this topic. We are also hoping to have a visit to the Recycling Centre towards the end of the term.  
If we could please ask you to collect clean plastic tops/lids  (any color, size), over the first half of this term, then this will assist us with an art concept we have for this Inquiry.

See some of the Recycling Information Pic Collage's that have been created and shared.  


During Week 11 of Term 1, we are having an inquiry focus on ANZAC day - which will occur during the school holidays.   In Tautoko Pod, we have been looking at the ANZAC Parade, Ceremony and the Wreath, the Anzac Biscuit and Animals in War.  

The children may be coming home and asking about relatives who were involved in the ANZAC war, or who were/are in the Armed Forces.  Here are some photos of just some of the precious family items that have been shared in the Pod.

See some Acrostic Poems and ANZAC information the children have created using Pic Collage.
Thank you to Prya, Jayden F, Ashton, Hunter, Kruz, Callum, Chloe, Ben, Niah, Mia, Liam and Armani for sharing your work.



Settling back into school, our first inquiry is Ko Au, sharing about ourselves, and getting to know each other.  This helps us to form good relationships and build our culture as a working Pod.
Here are some ways we have been getting to know each other:


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