Sunday, June 19, 2016

Awapuni Resource Recovery Park

PNCC Recycling Centre Visit
Information for Students & Parents

Monday 20 June 2016
Dear Parent/Caregiver(s),

Tomorrow we will be having our visit to the Awapuni Resource Recovery Park to support our Inquiry Learning unit: We Are The World - Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. We are really looking forward to the trip and it will be a great opportunity to explore the recycling process and understand the impact of humans actions on our environment now and in the future.

A reminder that we will be visiting in our homerooms (not as a whole POD). The times are outlined below:
Children and parent helpers will be transported by bus to the Awapuni Resource Recovery Park on Maxwell’s Line. Children will need to:
Please ensure you let your child’s homeroom teacher know if your child has any medical issues we need to be aware of prior to our trip, as it is important we can clearly identify and support any medical concerns that may arise.
Yours sincerely,
  • Homeroom 23 (9:15am - 11:15am), Homeroom 24 (10:15am - 12:15pm), Homeroom 25 (11:15am - 1:15pm).
Could parent helpers please ensure that they are at school at least 10 minutes before your child’s homeroom departs for the trip.

  • Wear full school uniform, including their school polar fleece or jacket.
  • Wear covered shoes due to health and safety regulations - these do not have to be normal black school shoes. All visitors must be wearing fully covered in footwear! NO SHOES, NO TOUR!
  • Have a drink bottle with water to take with them (we will have morning tea and lunch back at school).
  • Bring any necessary medication to their homeroom teachers e.g. asthma inhalers.  

If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Karl Radford, Gwen Thompson, Julie Peters and Gabby Gloyn
Tautoko POD Teachers

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