Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Last Day of School - Early Finish

This is a reminder that school will be finishing on Thursday/tomorrow at 12.40.

Wow!!!  A year in the Tautoko Pod with an awesome group of Year 3 students has flown by fast for us all.   We wish everyone along with their friends and family, a safe and happy festive season.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016



Hi everyone, just a reminder that students need to be at school by 9am. There is no RE or Assembly, so make sure you don't come along in the afternoon. 

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Week 8 Value Certificate Winners

Congratulations to our Week 8 Value Certificate Winners - Ashton Dorn, Jake Johnston and Lucy Neill. They have shown how Excellence can be applied to all of their learning. Tino pai!

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Christmas Parade Fun!

Connor, Laura, Leela and Ashton entered in the Decorate your Bike section of the Palmerston North Christmas Parade. It looks like they had a great time biking around the streets. Congratulations goes to Laura as she won 3rd place for her bike entry. Ka pai!  

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Prize Giving - Regent on Broadway

Hi everyone, we have our school prize giving on Monday the 5th of December at the Regent on Broadway. All students need to wear their school uniform and be seated by 6.45pm in their pods. The Kapa Haka group will be performing so they will have their designated seating.

 Have a safe and happy weekend!

Friday, November 25, 2016

Week 7 Value Certificate Winners

Congratulations to our Week 7 Value Certificate Winners Kaitlin Shortall, Phoenix Waiwiri and Cameron Donald! We love how respectful these students are in our Pod. Tino Pai!

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Digi Award Finalists Night

On Monday night the Digi Award Finals were held at the Regent on Broadway. With over 700 entries from 34 schools, I have to say what a fantastic job all of our finalists did to get to the top 5. Special mention to our very own Charlotte Burt who took out the Year 1-3 Graphic Design! Ka pai!

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Athletics Day Information

Thursday 24th November - At School - Year 3 & 4 Athletics Day
Please remember: - 
  • A drink bottle filled with water
  • Your school sunhat
  • Wear your house t-shirt 
  • A healthy lunch with food for an active day
  • A school polarfleece / jacket
  • To put on sunscreen
  • A positive attitude for a fun day

Any further information, please feel free to approach the Pod Teachers.

Monday, November 21, 2016

Week 6 Value Certificate Winners

Congratulations to our Respectful Week 6 Value Certificate Winners. Ben Richards,  Jessica Young and Max Johnstone have been showing great respect towards everyone in the Tautoko Pod! Tino Pai!

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Science Experiments - Our Creative Presenters!

With a whole lot of 'Weird Science' Experiments going on in Tautoko Pod, it is great to see how our tamariki take what they are learning home - and get creative sharing their learning!
Prya is a natural presenter!  
Mason get creative adapting a milk experiment. 

Jordan has another attempt at making Oobleck - and succeeds!!
Jake helps his brother Cody with the experiment at home.

Monday, November 7, 2016

Kiahn - Newspaper Article About His Karting Success

Click the link above to be taken to the "Stuff" Article on Kiahn.

A BIG congratulations from all of us in the Tautoko Pod.  We are very proud of your determination and success with your karting.  Tino pai!!

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Week 4 Value Certificate Winners

Congratulations to our week 4 responsibility value certificate winners - Riley Lockyer, Jessica Flint and Liam Woisin. You all show great responsibility in the Tautoko Pod!

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Tautoko Digi Award Finalists

A BIG Congratuations to two of our Tautoko Pod children, Charlotte Burt and Chloe Michie, who have made the finals of the Manawatu Digi Awards.  The winners will be announced at the Awards Evening held at the Regent, on the evening of Monday 21st November.   Best of luck to both girls.
Here are their entries.

Year 1-3 Graphic Design Finalist:  Charlotte Burt
Title: Sign Language

Year 1-3 Digital Photo Finalist: Chloe Michie
Title: Scooter Power

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Week 3 Value Certificate Winners

Here are our week 3 responsibility value certificate winners - Willow Buckley, Mia Radford and Nathan Bedford! What responsible learners you are! 

Donation for Koha

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Week 2 - Value Certificates

Congratulations to our week 2 responsibility value certificate winners Charlotte Burt, Lejla Arnautovic-Wootton and Aidan Harris! They have all been very responsible in their learning! Ka pai! 

Monday, October 24, 2016

Rangitaane Marae Visit - Wednesday 26th October

Tautoko Pod visits the Rangitaane Marae tomorrow.   We will be leaving school at 9am sharp, so please ensure you are at school in plenty of time for this.   We have had a wonderful response of parent helpers, and just reminding the parents who are coming along that you need to meet in Tautoko Pod by 8.45am, or if travelling by own car, you will need to be parked on Maxwell's Line and meet us at the front entrance to the Marae by 9.15am at the latest.   The bus will have us back to school by 1pm.

Children will need to ensure they have their school bag packed with some healthy food for brain-food, and a packed lunch.  A drink bottle and their hat will also be required, along with their school jersey/jacket.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Rangitaane Marae Visit 2016

Whakarongo School Ag Day

Whakarongo School Ag Day

                 Image result for spring animals              

Hi all!! We hope everyone has had a fantastic break. This is just a reminder that we have our Ag Day tomorrow- rain, hail or shine! It starts at 10.00 am and students are required to be in their homerooms by 9.50 am.

Our kids have been working really hard on their crafts and are very excited to share these with their families. There will be hot coffee and tea available for purchase in the makeshift cafe in the pre-fab classroom by the senior carpark.  There will be a sausage sizzle, sandwiches, home made baking and bacon butties available for purchase. Please come along and support the Whakarongo School Ag Day.

Sunday, October 2, 2016

School Hats

Hi all, I hope you are having a fantastic break! Just a reminder that all students are required to have their hats for term 4. 

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Early Pick Up

Friday 23rd September-Early Finish

Image result for clock face 2pm

Hi all, just a reminder that school finishes at 2.00pm tomorrow! Please remember to pick up your child at this designated time!! 

Monday, September 19, 2016



Hi everyone! Just letting you all know that the disco is on Thursday night from 6pm through until 7pm.  Remember it is a $2 coin entry. Lollie bags, glow sticks and fizzy drinks will be there on sale for a $1 each. Can't wait to see you all there for a boogie! 

Image result for disco


Over the weekend, Corey became a big brother again! His new brother is called Chase and he arrived last Friday. Congratulations to Kelly and the family!!

Junior Winter Sports

Junior Winter Sports- Wednesday 21st September 11.40-12.40

Image result for sports

Hi everyone, this is just a reminder that our junior winter sports are on tomorrow during the middle block of school. Parents are welcome to come along and support your children. Please remember to bring your sports shoes, house top (to be worn during the event-not to school), drink bottles and apply sunscreen before you get to school. We look forward to seeing you there!    

Value Certificates Week 8 - Acceptance

This weeks value certificate winners are Callum Thompson, Jordan Gulliver, Riley Drummond.  They have been busy in the Pod, showing Acceptance and working hard.   Tino pai!

Ag Day Preparation

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

NZEI Te Riu Roa Union Meeting - Wednesday 14th September

Upcoming Union Meetings....please read carefully.
VERY IMPORTANT NOTICE: PAID UNION MEETING. Official message from school coming out today :)
Dear Parent/Caregiver,
The school has been advised by the NZEI Te Riu Roa that it is holding a Paid Union
Meeting for teachers at 1.30, Wednesday, September 14. Accordingly, almost all of the school’s staff will be unavailable after 12.40 pm on that date.
NZEI is the union that represents primary teachers, primary principals and support staff. Under the Employment Relations Act, paid union meetings are a legal entitlement to discuss union business.
The meetings, involving both Primary (NZEI) and Secondary (PPTA) sector employees, are focused on informing and seeking feedback on the Government’s current funding review –i.e. the review of everything about how schools are staffed or resourced.
This review has widespread implications for all school operations, potentially for generations to come. The proposed funding review could have a major impact on:
- cost of running a school for communities (you as parent), and
- class sizes.
I encourage you to either keep your child at home or make some other arrangements for the duration of the meeting. However, if you are unable to arrange childcare or another arrangement, we will have a limited number of staff to supervise your child.
Please advise the office (note, call or email) in advance if your child will need supervision.
We apologise for any potential disruption to you and your child's routine on the day of the meeting.
Thank you for your cooperation

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Value Certificates Week 6 - Cooperation & Week 7 - Acceptance

Week 6's value certificate winners are Mynika Davenport, Cruize Rarere, and Izaak Forbes.  They have been seen demonstrating Cooperation in the Pod. Congratulations and keep up the awesome effort. 

This weeks value certificate winners are Kalani Thompson-Ashford, Neiko Bowater and Anita Anish. They have been seen demonstrating Acceptance in the Pod. Congratulations and keep up the great work. Tino pai!

Monday, September 5, 2016

Keeping those Ipads Reading for Learning

Wow!  The term is flying and we are super busy in the Pod.

Our iPads are being utilised everyday in different areas of our learning, so this is a reminder to ensure that you keep it charged and 'ready for action' in class each day.
This week, we are using our iPads to share our Writing - How to do the 3-6-3 Speedstack - and teach the Aroha Pod.  This is a fantastic way to share learning and to see how effective our Procedural Writing is: WALT Explain.

On Wednesday is our Digi Day - you will select your area of learning and creation from Digital Photo, Photo Story/Essay, or Graphic Design/Poster.   So bring those iPads to school, ready for action - full charged, space for photos and your creative mind ready to explore.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Value Certificates Week 5 - Cooperation

For the way they have shown they can work alongside others, listening, sharing and being accepting of differences, this weeks Value Certificates, in Tautoko Pod, go to Eva Johnson, Lucy Neill and Aaliyah Iwikau.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Last Game for the Rugby Season

Over the weekend Samuel, Connor, and Ashton had their last game of the season for College Old Boys Under 8's. 

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Value Certificates Weeks 4 - Cooperation

For demonstrating their ability to work alongside others and cooperate to achieve success in their learning, our value certificates go to Ava Brock, Weston Morrah and Kruz Parker-Munn.   Tino pai team!

Monday, August 15, 2016

Value Certificate Week 3 - Empathy

Our value certificate winners for Week 3 have shown Empathy in Tautoko Pod, by being kind and caring to their classmates and having a positive attitude to their learning.   Congratulations to Xavier Paraone-Dyer, Jessica Williams and Azalea Fitzgerald.  

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Reciprocal Reading

This week we have started our Reciprocal Reading programme. This programme is designed to support students develop decoding and comprehension skills while self managing their own learning.
Check out our Reciprocal Reading Tab to find out more about the programme (or ask your child).
Take a look at our fantastic students in action!

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Value Certificate Week 2 - Empathy

For showing Empathy and a caring attitude within the Pod, our value certificates for week 2 have been awarded to Prya Simon, Katie Hockly and Max Johnstone.   Tino pai!

Value Certificates Week 1 - Empathy

The winners of the Values Certificates for the first week of the term were Cole Johansen, Jayden Morgan-Toby and Phoenix Waiwiri.   They have been showing Empathy within the Pod.  Well done, what a great start to the term.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Holiday Creativity from Term 2 Inquiry

Following on from Term 2 Inquiry Topic, - Reduce, Reuse, Recycle - a few children got creative with reusing materials during the holidays.    Lejla shared her amazing lighthouse (that lights up), and Anna shared her space rocket   Amazing work.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Holiday Joy for All!

Hey everybody hope you are having a great holiday break! Remember to email us anything exciting that you do during the break especially if you have any cool pictures to share. Keep safe and we look forward to seeing you in Term 3!

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Value Certificates Week 10 - Excellence

This weeks winners of the Value Certificate for displaying Excellence in their learning are Libby Harris, Monty Cavanagh and Ashton Dorn.  Well done and keep up the great effort.

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Value Certificates Week 9 - Excellence

Congratulations Jack Rees, Cameron Donald and Connor Gilmour for demonstrating 'Excellence' in Tautoko Pod this week.  Keep up the great work!