Sunday, May 29, 2016

Week 4 Value Certificates - Perseverance

Congratulations to Ronald Sun, Ben Richards and Jake Johnston for showing great Perseverance in the Tautoko Pod this week.

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Please have a check

We are asking for all parents to please have a check of your childs' head and hair for nits, and to treat them ASAP if you find any.   Thank you.

Monday, May 23, 2016

Ronald McDonald Road Safety Show

The Ronald McDonald Road Safety Show came to Whakarongo School last Friday, where Ronald McDonald educated and entertained Year 0-3 children.   Following on from this, the children in Tautoko Pod created some Pic Collage Posters, sharing what they learnt.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Week 3 Value Certificates - Courage

Well done to Isabella Needham, Samuel Collins and Jessica Flint for receiving the value certificates. They have been showing lots of Courage in the the Tautoko POD.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Cross Country Training


Dust off those dancing shoes!   It's Disco night - Friday 20th May.

  • $2 entry
  • Years 0-4 at 6-7pm
  • Can purchase sweets, drinks & glowsticks

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Library for Week 3

Due to school photos being done today we were not able to go to the library.
We have booked in a library session for tomorrow/Thursday, so please remember to bring your library books.

Monday, May 16, 2016

Value Certificates : Weeks 1 and 2, Term 2 - Courage

Congratulations to Tauwira Turipa, Finn Haughey and Noah Mokalei for showing Courage in the Tautoko Pod - Week 2.

Congratulations to Liam Woisin, Anna Keaskin and Riley Lockyer for showing Courage in the Tautoko Pod - Week 1.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Events and Information

Wow... Week 3 is here already!
This post is a reminder to things happening within the next couple of weeks.
* This Wednesday - School Photos : Get your order forms in.
And from our wonderful PTA ...
* This Friday - School Disco - Dancing shoes and fun
* Remember to get your vote back in for which chocolate you would prefer for a fundraiser.
* Pie Order forms are due Tuesday 24th May.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Inquiry Topic - We are the World - Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

For our Inquiry this term, We Are The World, we are exploring Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and this will involve a range of activities and innovative thinking.  
We have a visit from an Education Unit during Week 4 and 5 that will enhance this topic. We are also hoping to have a visit to the Recycling Centre towards the end of the term.  
If we could please ask you to collect clean plastic tops/lids  (any color, size), over the first half of this term, then this will assist us with an art concept we have for this Inquiry.