Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Last Day of School - Early Finish

This is a reminder that school will be finishing on Thursday/tomorrow at 12.40.

Wow!!!  A year in the Tautoko Pod with an awesome group of Year 3 students has flown by fast for us all.   We wish everyone along with their friends and family, a safe and happy festive season.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016



Hi everyone, just a reminder that students need to be at school by 9am. There is no RE or Assembly, so make sure you don't come along in the afternoon. 

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Week 8 Value Certificate Winners

Congratulations to our Week 8 Value Certificate Winners - Ashton Dorn, Jake Johnston and Lucy Neill. They have shown how Excellence can be applied to all of their learning. Tino pai!

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Christmas Parade Fun!

Connor, Laura, Leela and Ashton entered in the Decorate your Bike section of the Palmerston North Christmas Parade. It looks like they had a great time biking around the streets. Congratulations goes to Laura as she won 3rd place for her bike entry. Ka pai!  

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Prize Giving - Regent on Broadway

Hi everyone, we have our school prize giving on Monday the 5th of December at the Regent on Broadway. All students need to wear their school uniform and be seated by 6.45pm in their pods. The Kapa Haka group will be performing so they will have their designated seating.

 Have a safe and happy weekend!

Friday, November 25, 2016

Week 7 Value Certificate Winners

Congratulations to our Week 7 Value Certificate Winners Kaitlin Shortall, Phoenix Waiwiri and Cameron Donald! We love how respectful these students are in our Pod. Tino Pai!

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Digi Award Finalists Night

On Monday night the Digi Award Finals were held at the Regent on Broadway. With over 700 entries from 34 schools, I have to say what a fantastic job all of our finalists did to get to the top 5. Special mention to our very own Charlotte Burt who took out the Year 1-3 Graphic Design! Ka pai!