Monday, September 5, 2016

Keeping those Ipads Reading for Learning

Wow!  The term is flying and we are super busy in the Pod.

Our iPads are being utilised everyday in different areas of our learning, so this is a reminder to ensure that you keep it charged and 'ready for action' in class each day.
This week, we are using our iPads to share our Writing - How to do the 3-6-3 Speedstack - and teach the Aroha Pod.  This is a fantastic way to share learning and to see how effective our Procedural Writing is: WALT Explain.

On Wednesday is our Digi Day - you will select your area of learning and creation from Digital Photo, Photo Story/Essay, or Graphic Design/Poster.   So bring those iPads to school, ready for action - full charged, space for photos and your creative mind ready to explore.

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