Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Our Trip to the Recycling Centre

We had a wonderful trip today to the Awapuni Education Centre and Materials Recovery Facility.   Travelling in Homerooms by bus, each group spent time asking and answering questions about recycling, materials and the whole process of recycling.  Groups were also lead on a tour of the facilities.   We wish to thank all parents that came along to assist with the trip.
Below are some photos of each Homeroom standing in from of recycled plastic bottle bricks.

1 comment:

  1. This is always such a wonderful sight to see; children getting involved and finding out how simple it is to do their part for the planet. Recycling can actually be fun when everyone gets involved, as you have proved, and we can all do our bit to help. You all look like you had so much fun during the trip!

    Dennis Barton @ Chand's Disposal
