Sunday, August 28, 2016

Last Game for the Rugby Season

Over the weekend Samuel, Connor, and Ashton had their last game of the season for College Old Boys Under 8's. 

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Value Certificates Weeks 4 - Cooperation

For demonstrating their ability to work alongside others and cooperate to achieve success in their learning, our value certificates go to Ava Brock, Weston Morrah and Kruz Parker-Munn.   Tino pai team!

Monday, August 15, 2016

Value Certificate Week 3 - Empathy

Our value certificate winners for Week 3 have shown Empathy in Tautoko Pod, by being kind and caring to their classmates and having a positive attitude to their learning.   Congratulations to Xavier Paraone-Dyer, Jessica Williams and Azalea Fitzgerald.  

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Reciprocal Reading

This week we have started our Reciprocal Reading programme. This programme is designed to support students develop decoding and comprehension skills while self managing their own learning.
Check out our Reciprocal Reading Tab to find out more about the programme (or ask your child).
Take a look at our fantastic students in action!

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Value Certificate Week 2 - Empathy

For showing Empathy and a caring attitude within the Pod, our value certificates for week 2 have been awarded to Prya Simon, Katie Hockly and Max Johnstone.   Tino pai!

Value Certificates Week 1 - Empathy

The winners of the Values Certificates for the first week of the term were Cole Johansen, Jayden Morgan-Toby and Phoenix Waiwiri.   They have been showing Empathy within the Pod.  Well done, what a great start to the term.